Create Custom Events for Flight Recorder

In this custom events for JFR exercise we will use an example from a different repository – the java-svc repo. Clone the following repository:

Follow the instructions to build the application which uses custom Flight Recorder events. Make sure you use a JDK 11 or later.

Open a command line and go to the java-svc/jfr folder.

Next run target/bin/runFibonacci.

View custom Flight Recorder events

Connect to the process with JMC. The process starts with a recording already running, so you can simply dump the whole thing when you feel ready. Either let it run for a few minutes and then dump it, or go with the pre-recorded recording present in the 09_JFR_CustomEvents project.

Open the Threads view. Sort on Thread Groups and shift-click to select the two threads in the Fibonacci thread group:

eclipse jmc jfr fibonacci threads

Inspect custom Mission Control events

Right click on the graph and enable the viewing of other event types in a separate lane per thread: eclipse jmc jfr fibonacci threads other event types

You can now hover over the events to see what they contain.

Custom Flight Recorder Events Example Exercises

  1. How long did it take to calculate the longest Fibonacci number? How long did it take to calculate the shortest one?
Hint: Go to the Event Browser, click on the Fibonacci Event. Sort on
  1. Verify that the iterative version is not cheating by making sure that the calculation of both the iterative and recursive version of the algorithm come to the same value.
Hint: Go to the Event Browser, click on the Fibonacci Event. Sort on
Fibonnaci Number.
  1. Did you notice any difference in performance between the two algorithms?